CANTON — The town of Canton received some good news and bad news about finances during the Dec. 11 board meeting.
According to Town Supervisor Mary Ann Ashley, mortgage tax collections far exceeded initial budget estimates.
She told town board members that a second mortgage tax check was received by the town recently, totaling $90,957.21, driving the yearly collection to $157,214.22.
“I was shocked at that. We had only budgeted for $90,000, so the second check was a very nice surprise,” she said.
But it wasn’t all good news as the town was notified that they would not receive full reimbursement of intervener funds from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
NYSERDA works with municipalities to increase the production and usage of renewable energy, to build resilient energy systems, to decarbonize and make buildings more energy efficient, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to develop clean energy economies around the state.
“So, you know that’s been a challenge,” Ashley said in reference to the reimbursement.
She commented that NYSERDA denied the town $660 for a reimbursement check with zero explanation why.
“We’re not sure if it was for a late claim or what,” she said.
Ashley said she had sought clarification from NYSERDA for the denial of funds but had not received any correspondence as of the Dec. 11 meeting.
The funds that were denied were intended for Barton and Loguidice, who have been assisting the town with various projects.
Ashley said those funds instead were approved through the town board earlier in the meeting to reimburse Barton and Loguidice.
She said not receiving any clarification was disappointing.