
Mortgage Rates Hit 6.91%, Highest Since July, But Buyers Return Despite Costs

Freddie Mac (FMCC) reported that mortgage rates have reached their highest levels since July, with the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaging 6.91%, up from 6.85% last week and 6.62% a year ago. The 15-year FRM increased to 6.13% from 6.0% last week and 5.89% a year ago.

According to Chief Economist Sam Khater, while rates are elevated and affordability challenges persist compared to last year, there are signs of increased buyer activity as pending home sales rise. The PMMS® survey focuses on conventional, conforming home purchase loans for borrowers with 20% down payments and excellent credit.

Freddie Mac (FMCC) ha riportato che i tassi ipotecari hanno raggiunto i livelli più alti da luglio, con il mutuo a tasso fisso a 30 anni (FRM) che è in media al 6,91%, in aumento rispetto al 6,85% della settimana scorsa e al 6,62% di un anno fa. Il FRM a 15 anni è aumentato al 6,13% dal 6,0% della settimana scorsa e dal 5,89% di un anno fa.

Secondo il Capo Economista Sam Khater, sebbene i tassi siano elevati e le sfide riguardanti l’affordability persistano rispetto all’anno scorso, ci sono segnali di un aumento dell’attività degli acquirenti con l’aumento delle vendite di case in attesa. L’indagine PMMS® si concentra su prestiti per l’acquisto di case convenzionali e conformi per i mutuatari con pagamenti iniziali del 20% e credito eccellente.

Freddie Mac (FMCC) informó que las tasas hipotecarias han alcanzado sus niveles más altos desde julio, con la hipoteca a tasa fija a 30 años (FRM) promediando el 6,91%, en aumento desde el 6,85% de la semana pasada y el 6,62% de hace un año. La FRM a 15 años aumentó al 6,13% desde el 6,0% de la semana pasada y el 5,89% de hace un año.

Según el Economista Jefe Sam Khater, aunque las tasas son elevadas y los desafíos de asequibilidad persisten en comparación con el año pasado, hay señales de un aumento en la actividad de los compradores a medida que aumentan las ventas de casas pendientes. La encuesta PMMS® se centra en préstamos para la compra de viviendas convencionales y conformes para prestatarios con un pago inicial del 20% y un excelente crédito.

프레디 맥(FMCC)는 모기지 금리가 7월 이후 최고 수준에 도달했다고 보고했으며, 30년 고정금리 모기지(FRM) 평균이 6.91%로, 지난 주의 6.85%와 1년 전의 6.62%에서 증가했다고 전했습니다. 15년 FRM은 지난 주의 6.0%와 1년 전의 5.89%에서 6.13%로 증가했습니다.

수석 이코노미스트 샘 카터(Sam Khater)에 따르면, 금리는 높은 수준을 유지하고 있으며, 작년에 비해 구매력 문제는 지속되고 있지만, 대기 중인 주택 판매 증가에 따라 구매자 활동이 증가하고 있는 신호가 있다고 합니다. PMMS® 조사는 20%의 계약금을 가진 차용자와 우수한 신용 등급을 가진 전통적인 주택 구매 대출에 중점을 두고 있습니다.

Freddie Mac (FMCC) a rapporté que les taux hypothécaires ont atteint leur niveau le plus élevé depuis juillet, avec le prêt hypothécaire à taux fixe sur 30 ans (FRM) atteignant en moyenne 6,91%, en hausse par rapport à 6,85% la semaine dernière et 6,62% il y a un an. Le FRM sur 15 ans a augmenté à 6,13%, contre 6,0% la semaine dernière et 5,89% il y a un an.

Selon le chef économiste Sam Khater, bien que les taux soient élevés et que les défis liés à l’accessibilité persistent par rapport à l’année dernière, il y a des signes d’une activité accrue des acheteurs alors que les ventes de maisons en attente augmentent. L’enquête PMMS® se concentre sur les prêts hypothécaires conventionnels et conformes pour les emprunteurs ayant des acomptes de 20% et un excellent crédit.

Freddie Mac (FMCC) hat berichtet, dass die Hypothekenzinsen die höchsten Werte seit Juli erreicht haben. Das 30-jährige festverzinsliche Darlehen (FRM) liegt im Durchschnitt bei 6,91%, ein Anstieg von 6,85% in der vergangenen Woche und 6,62% vor einem Jahr. Das 15-jährige FRM erhöhte sich auf 6,13% von 6,0% in der vergangenen Woche und 5,89% vor einem Jahr.

Laut dem Chefökonom Sam Khater gibt es Anzeichen für eine gestiegene Käuferaktivität, da die ausstehenden Immobilienverkäufe zunehmen, obwohl die Zinsen hoch bleiben und die Herausforderungen bei der Bezahlbarkeit im Vergleich zum Vorjahr bestehen bleiben. Die PMMS®-Umfrage konzentriert sich auf konventionelle, konforme Hypotheken für Käufer mit 20% Anzahlungen und exzellentem Kredit.


  • Pending home sales showing signs of improvement despite high rates

  • Buyers showing increased market participation


  • 30-year FRM reached highest point in 6 months at 6.91%

  • 15-year FRM increased to 6.13%, up from 5.89% year-over-year

  • Persistent market affordability challenges

MCLEAN, Va., Jan. 02, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®), showing the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 6.91 percent.

“Inching up to just shy of seven percent, mortgage rates reached their highest point in nearly six months,” said Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s Chief Economist. “Compared to this time last year, rates are elevated and the market’s affordability headwinds persist. However, buyers appear to be more inclined to get off the sidelines as pending home sales rise.”

News Facts

  • The 30-year FRM averaged 6.91 percent as of January 2, 2025, up from last week when it averaged 6.85 percent. A year ago at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 6.62 percent.
  • The 15-year FRM averaged 6.13 percent, up from last week when it averaged 6.0 percent. A year ago at this time, the 15-year FRM averaged 5.89 percent.

The PMMS® is focused on conventional, conforming, fully amortizing home purchase loans for borrowers who put 20 percent down and have excellent credit. For more information, view our Frequently Asked Questions.

Freddie Mac’s mission is to make home possible for families across the nation. We promote liquidity, stability, affordability and equity in the housing market throughout all economic cycles. Since 1970, we have helped tens of millions of families buy, rent or keep their home. Learn More: Website | Consumers | X | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

Mollie Laniado
[email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the current 30-year fixed mortgage rate for FMCC as of January 2025?

According to Freddie Mac’s PMMS survey, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 6.91% as of January 2, 2025.

How much have FMCC mortgage rates increased compared to last year?

The 30-year FRM increased from 6.62% to 6.91% year-over-year, while the 15-year FRM rose from 5.89% to 6.13%.

What is the current trend in pending home sales according to FMCC?

According to Freddie Mac, pending home sales are rising, indicating buyers are becoming more active despite elevated rates.

What are the current affordability conditions in the housing market according to FMCC?

Freddie Mac reports persistent affordability headwinds in the market, with rates at their highest point in nearly six months.

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